Global Education is now Local and Online.Your Path to Certified Vaastu& Astrology Expertise
Study with Dr. Ravi Rao flexible courses in Astrology and Vastu for personal and career growth
About Us
Astro Vaastu University offers expert-led courses in Astrology and Vastu Shastra. Led by Dr. RaviRao, a renowned authority, our programs empower individuals with practical tools for career and personal growth.
Our Courses
Our courses cover everything from beginner to advanced levels, helping you master predictive astrology, relationship compatibility, and career guidance through celestial insights. |
Astrovaastu University offers online Astrology courses in India, the USA, and the UK, led by Dr.Ravi Rao, a renowned expert. Our flexible programs blend ancient wisdom with modern applications, empowering students globally. Learn anytime, anywhere, and unlock yourpotential with expert-guided courses designed for personal and career growth.

Astro Vaastu University offers online Vastu courses in India, the USA, and the UK, led by Dr.Ravi Rao, a celebrated expert. Learn toharmonize spaces with Vaastu Shastra, balancing nature’s elements to enhance health,happiness, and prosperity. Our flexible programsempower students globally to create positive and sacred environments

Our events integrate astrological insights to enhance positivity, align energies, and ensure prosperity for all participants.
Astro Vaastu Academy offers 100+ hours of high-quality courses covering astrology, Vaastu Shastra, numerology, and related sciences. Designed by experts, these courses provide deep insights and practical applications to help learners master ancient wisdom for modern living. Perfect for beginners and professionals alike!
Unlock the secrets of Astro Vaastu with our expert-led course! Learn how cosmic energies and spatial arrangements influence your life, career, and well-being. Gain in-depth knowledge through interactive lessons, Q&A sessions, and practical case studies. Enroll now and transform your space for success!
Join our Weekly Live Sessions at Astro Vaastu Academy and deepen your understanding of astrology and Vaastu. Learn directly from experts, ask questions in real-time, and gain practical insights to enhance your spiritual and professional journey. Perfect for beginners and advanced learners alike
Unlock the secrets of Astro Vaastu with our comprehensive course designed for beginners and professionals alike. Learn the principles of astrology and Vaastu Shastra through interactive lessons, real-life case studies, and MCQ-based assessments. Enhance your knowledge of cosmic energies, directional alignments, and remedies to create a harmonious living and working space
Astro Vaastu Academy offers recoded courses designed for in-depth learning of astrology and Vastu Shastra. These courses provide structured lessons with easy-to-understand concepts, making it ideal for beginners and advanced learners.
Astro Vaastu Academy offers 100+ hours of high-quality courses covering astrology, Vaastu Shastra, numerology, and related sciences. Designed by experts, these courses provide deep insights and practical applications to help learners master ancient wisdom for modern living. Perfect for beginners and professionals alike!
Astro Vaastu Academy Community is a platform for like-minded students passionate about Astrology, Vaastu, and related sciences. Our courses provide deep insights into celestial influences, Vaastu principles, and remedial solutions, helping students master ancient wisdom for modern applications.
Partner with Astro Vaastu Academy and earn by promoting our expert-led courses on astrology and Vaastu Shastra. Our comprehensive programs cover ancient wisdom, practical applications, and modern insights
Our Books
Astrology books provide insights into the influence of celestial bodies on human life, personality, and destiny
A Nation’s Prophecy
The book Nation's Prophecy delves into the principles of mundane astrology, exploring the significance of the twelve houses (Bhavas) and planetary influences on global events. It provides detailed birth charts of countries and examines astrological insights for nations like India, the USA, and China..
A Nation’s Prophecy
રાષ્ટ્રની ભવિષ્યિાણી" પુસ્તક મુન્ડેન જ્યોવતષશાસ્ત્રના વિદ્ાાંતોની ઊાં ડાણપૂિવક શોધ કરેછે, જ્યાાં તે બાર ઘરો (ભાિો) અને િૈવિક ઘટનાઓ પર ગ્રહોના પ્રભાિની શોધ કરે છે. તે વિવિધ દેશોના જન્મ ચાટવ પર વિગતિાર માવહતી પ્રદાન કરે છે અને ભારત, યુએિએ અને ચીન જેિા રાષ્ટ્રો માટે જ્યોવતષીય આગાહીઓ પ્રદાન કરે છ.
Sports Astrology
Inclusive Methodology of Sports Astrology by Dr. Ravi Rao dives deep into the intricate connections between astrology and sports outcomes, offering a comprehensive understanding for enthusiasts. The book not only covers methodologies but also highlights significant events like the World Cup 2015 and Twenty-Twenty (T20) matches.
Sports Astrology
ડો. રવિ રાિ દ્વારા રમત જ્યોવતષશાસ્ત્રની સમાિેશી પદ્ધવત જ્યોવતષ અનેરમતના પવરણામો િચ્ચેના જવિલ જોડાણોમાાંઊાં ડા ઉતર ેછે, જેઉત્સાહીઓ માિેવ્યાપક સમજ પ્રદાન કર ેછે. આ પુસ્તક માત્ર પદ્ધવતનેઆિરી લેતુાંનથી પરાંતુિર્લડડકપ 2015 અનેટ્વેન્િી-ટ્વેન્િી (T20) મેચો જિે ી મહત્િપૂણડઘિનાઓનેપણ પ્રકાવશત કર ેછે..
Vaastu Shastra
VAASTU SHASTRA for Everyone by Dr. Ravi Rao guides readers through the principles of Vaastu Shastra, covering topics from the significance of Vaastu Purusha and terrain selection to the intricacies of site planning and room placements. It also includes practical case studies and appendices for a comprehensive understanding of ancient architectural wisdom..